

Step-by-step Guide to Operate Thermic Lance with Safety and Effectiveness

B. Thermic Lance new 1 .JPG

We have many clients that use our Thermic Lance all around the world. Many of them consider the safety and effectiveness of using Thermic Lance. It is commonly used in steel mills, or construction sites because of its small size and proven capability to cut thick and large pieces of steel scraps by producing a high temperature of up to 3,000oC ~ 4,000oC. 

In this blog, we provide tips to support our customers to use our Thermic Lance effectively.

Step-by-step Guide to Operate Daiwa Thermic Lance Safely

1. Step 1: Prepare Safety Tools

One of the most initial tips to using Thermic Lance with effectiveness is to prepare all necessary safety equipment to protect the operator during processing time. Also, the position of the operator is somehow closed to the area of cutting scraps in a scrap yard. Therefore, preparation is definitely a crucial step for highly effective protection.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

2. Step 2: Prepare Operating Equipments

Let’s introduce our next tip right after the initial step of the preparation of safety tools. Checking the Oxygen Sources with precise Oxygen Flow and Pressure Level, controlled by Oxygen Regulator and Oxygen Hose as well. This step will help the operator before sticking the Thermic Lance to the whole system.

3. Step 3: Adjust Ignition and Handling Position

The most crucial part of the 3 tips is the way of carefully setting up the Holder, connecting the Thermic Lance, and standing correct position to operate.


Photos of Instruction

Set up Holder



Connect Thermic Lance to Holder



Connect the Oxygen pipe to Holder



Use an acetylene torch to heat one end to red hot, then start blowing oxygen

Use acetylene torch to heat one end to red hot, then start blowing oxygen


[Position to control] 

Keep safety distance and 

Keep Thermic Lance at around 60 degrees angle



[Additonal Step as Routine]

Connect to the next piece of Thermic Lance in terms of continuing cutting




Operating and controlling Thermic Lance is adaptable for operators to control the pipes with safety and make the performance effectively for cost saving as well. Our tips in this blog definitely can help you with those purposes.

For more details , please feel free to consult with our sales department or sales agent. We will always do our best effort to serve for you.



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Step-by-step Guide to Operate Thermic Lance with Safety and Effectiveness

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